Premix Enriched with Bacteria and Enzymes for the Fermentation of Alfalfa and Legume Silage
Purpose of Use: Toxil Y is used in the silage production of fresh forages such as alfalfa, vetch, clover, legumes, and Italian ryegrass to create good fermentation, reduce spoilage, and improve stability. It contains two types of bacterial inoculants and two types of enzymes to enhance the fermentation and nutritional value of the silage. The heterofermentative bacteria (Lb. plantarum) in the mixture control the early active fermentation period by improving fermentation efficiency and suppressing yeast, mold, and other microorganisms. This reduces proteolysis and dry matter losses during fermentation, thereby minimizing spoilage. After the active fermentation period, the heterofermentative bacteria (Lb. buchneri) gradually convert lactic acid into acetic acid, which suppresses yeasts and molds that cause silage heating and spoilage. This increases the aerobic stability of the silage (the duration for which the silage remains unheated and stable) and helps prevent heating in both silo pits and packaged silages, keeping the silage cool.
Method of Use: Since Toxil Y contains live bacteria, it should be stored at –18°C for stability. To activate the bacteria, dissolve 100 grams of Toxil Y in 5 liters of ready-to-use drinking water one day before silage preparation
Y contains live bacteria, it should be stored at –18°C for stability. To activate the bacteria, dissolve 100 grams of Toxil Y in 5 liters of ready-to-use drinking water one day before silage preparation. Allow the prepared solution to stand at room temperature overnight before using it for silage production the next day. Dilute the solution in 200 liters of water and apply it evenly by spraying over 100 tons of fresh forage. The fresh-cut forages should be compacted in the silage pit or silage packaging machine to ensure no air remains. Cover the top of the silage pit tightly with silage covers and place weights to prevent it from being opened by wind or other factors. Silages prepared with Toxil Y inoculant are ready for use after 3 weeks.