Vitamin C Premix For Poultry And Ruminants

INTENDED USE : Vitamin C in its content has a strong antioxidant effect and protects the structural integrity of the cells of the immune system. It may support the immune system, tissue growth and maintenance, amelioration of oxidative stress and heat stress and increase resistance to diseases in animals. Young ruminants may need dietary ascorbic acid, because skin lesions, may be seen in calves fed a diet with a low vitamin C content.

Although poultry can synthesize vitamin C in their kidneys, vitamin C synthesis may be insufficient in stress conditions in getting high performance and in cage-type integrated production areas. Vitamin C supplements are required to solve problems such as optimum growth, the egg production increase and fertility. Vitamin C is one of the vitamins necessary for the calcification and smoothness of the egg shell.

USAGE : It is used by being mixed 1 g per 2 L of drinking water for 3-5 days in poultry and 1 g per 10 kg body weight twice daily for 3-5 days in ruminants.