Water Soluble Powder
INTENDED USE : The lysozyme it contains functions as an antimicrobial agent by cleaving the peptidoglycan component of bacterial cell walls, which leads to cell death. Therefore, lysozymes may have both enzymatic and bacteriolytic activity and are used for enhancing growth performance and as an antimicrobials. Vitamin C and E in its content have a strong antioxidant effect. It may support the immune system, tissue growth and maintenance, amelioration of oxidative stres and increase resistance to diseases in animals. It is used in poultry farming to suppress the level of pathogens that cause coccidiosis in the intestine and to prevent them from reaching a harmful level. It may also has an important role in reducing heat stress.
It is used in poultry farming to suppress the level of pathogens that cause coccidiosis in the intestine and to prevent them from reaching a harmful level. It may also has an important role in reducing heat stress.
USAGE : It is used by being mixed 1 g into 2-4 liters of drinking water for poultry.