Mineral Supplement For Poultry, Small And Large Ruminants
INTENDED USE : It is used to meet the copper needs of poultry and ruminants. It contributes to the recovering of the symptoms associated with copper deficiency. Copper (Cu) is also used as growth promoter in poultry. Copper additive in the diet, provide a beneficial effect on weight gain, feed conversion ratio(FCR) and modification of the bacterial microflora in the alimentary tract. Copper plays a strategic role in poultry health and growth. It serves to reduce disease challenges and boost immune function.
USAGE : It is used by being mixed 100 mg into 1000-4000 liters of drinking water (2.5 - 10 ppm) for poultry and 20 mg into 1.000 liters of drinking water for large ruminants and 10 mg into 1.000 liters of drinking water for small ruminants if it is needed because copper has toxic effect for small ruminants.