Multi Vitamin Complex
INTENDED USE: It is specially formulated to meet the multivitamin need in all physiological periods of poultry farming. It provides increase in egg quality and egg quantity in layer hens. It speeds up the growth development in broilers. It reduces the stress factor in animals and prevents efficiency losses during sickness and high temperature . It helps to remove the negative factors that may occur by the cause of multivitamin deficiency of small and large ruminants. It provides to meet multivitamin need which is important for growth development of ornamental birds. In honey bees, it plays an important role in the formation of a strong swarm and colony during the swarming period in bees.
USAGE: Layers and broilers (geese and turkeys): 100g for 10kg feed, 100g for 20L drinking water. Prestarter layers and prestarter broilers: 100g for 7kg feed, 100g for 15L drinking water. Ornamental birds (pigeon, canary, finch, budgerigar, nightingale, parrot, partridge, etc.): 2-4g for 50g feed, 2-4g for 100ml drinking water. Lambs, kids, calves :10g for 1kg feed, 10g for daily drinking water or milk. Bees: 10g for 1kg bee cake.