Vitamin E And Selenium Premix For Poultry And Ruminants
INTENDED USE : It is used to meet vitamin E and Selenium requirements in poultry and ruminants. Vitamin E and selenium are antioxidants necessary for the prevention of tissue damage due to their strong antioxidant capacity. It improves function of reproductive, muscular, circulatory, nervous and immune systems. It supports hatchability and reduces the mortality rate. Selenium and vitamin E content may prevent and/or alleviate of oxidative stress as well. They are also required for normal growth and fertility and improves health status and may decrease retained placenta, metritis and mastitis risk in dairy cows.
USAGE : It is used by being mixed 100-150 g into 1.000 L of drinking water and 150-300 g into 1.000 kg feed for poultry and 25-75 g into 1.000 L of drinking water and 250-600 g into 1.000 kg feed for ruminants.